Hey all, it's time for the best albums of March 2011. This was another good month for music (but there have certainly been better). There have been several good albums, but none that necessarily blew me right out of the water. Still, there was some solid music, and I'll lovingly recommend three albums to you, because it's what I do!
"Last Night on Earth" by Noah and the Whale
Last time around, Noah and the Whale produced a mournful but amazing album. This album is great too, but in a very different, much happier way. At times, they verge on electro-pop. Loyal and longtime fans may think that's a bad thing, but I think they did it tastefully in what is an anthemic and joyful album.
"Build A Rocket Boys!" by Elbow
Gotta love Brit rock. Elbow's new album is at times intimate, and at other times amazingly epic. In both settings, the result is pure goodness. Great melodies, great vocals, great flow, great everything. It reminds me a little bit of Aqualung, but a rock-ier version as opposed to a ballad-based band. This band deserves much more exposure, and look for them to be in a future post. Definitely my favorite album of the month, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if it shows up in my top albums of 2012 post.
"Lucky Street" by Go Radio
My feelings for Go Radio are well documented. Great hooks, outstanding choruses, and amazing lyrics from the always clever Jason Lancaster. A great choice if you're looking for 45 minutes or so of diverting alternative/punk rock. Nothing new here, but what's here is great!
As April begins, I once again look forward to some great new music! Not many major anticipated releases (Dr. Dre has pretty much monopolized April hype at this point), which is a great thing for a blog called "Great Music You Haven't Heard." Remember to look up the Facebook page for this blog and like it, recommend it to your friends, and click on the link in the "I Need Your Help" post.
Thanks again and as always, enjoy all the music out there!
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