About This Blog

- Andrew
- Hey all, I decided to start this blog as a way to tell people about music that doesn't really get a lot of attention but that I think really deserves it! I format my entries in the form of reviews. Hopefully, I can help point you in the direction of some great music that you wouldn't have found otherwise. I know it always makes my day when I find a new band to listen to :) Hope you enjoy! Feel free to leave comments and suggest albums for me to review. Keep in mind these are just my opinions!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
"Gorilla Manor" by Local Natives
I. Love. This. Album. Now that you've been warned, continue!
I came across this album a few months ago when I first started really getting into indie style music/folk music, etc. I had fallen in love with the music of Fleet Foxes. I loved the vocal harmonies and the songs which were simple but, at the same time, could be majestic, epic, and all sorts of awesome.
With "Gorilla Manor," Local Natives catapulted themselves above Fleet Foxes in my book. They have everything Fleet Foxes have, plus one thing. They can rock as a full band - electric guitars, drums, a bass, and keyboards (a quick way to make me a fan).
The album is a diverse collection of universally well-written and well-executed songs. The melodies and hooks are extremely catchy. The amount of musical diversity is astounding and leads to an extremely refreshing set of tracks.
What sets this band apart, however, is their complex vocal harmonies. Simply put, they're spot on. You really don't need a ton of lyrical complexity when three people's voices mesh together this well. Local Natives do both. The band also has the maturity to include purely instrumental sections in their music, something that's always a plus in my book.
As I posted earlier, these guys are amazing live as well. I couldn't have been happier when I heard on stage EXACTLY what I hear in my headphones. I look forward to their new album that should be coming around the bend sometime this year.
My three favorite songs on the album are "Wide Eyes," "Shape Shifter," and "Stranger Thread."
Here's a link to their Myspace.
Please remember to keep checking back in, like the page on Facebook, and click on the link on the "I Need Your Help" post!
Until next time, enjoy the music!
Live Performance - Local Natives
Hey all,
I'll be writing a review of Local Natives' album either tonight or tomorrow, but I wanted to get this post up here while the amazingness is still fresh in my mind. Today at UCLA, Local Natives played an AMAZING hour long set. I was in indie music nerd heaven. They sound exactly the same live as they do on the album!
They played a lot of songs, the more commercial songs, the less commercial songs. I'm really looking forward to hearing on their new album which the frontman said was due in the next year.
If you get the chance to see this band live, do it. They have great on stage energy and they seem like a nice, quirky bunch of guys. They definitely have some new fans after today, because Bruin Plaza was full to bursting with cheering music lovers.
It does the heart good :)
Until the review,
Sunday, March 27, 2011
The Best Albums of March 2011
Hey all, it's time for the best albums of March 2011. This was another good month for music (but there have certainly been better). There have been several good albums, but none that necessarily blew me right out of the water. Still, there was some solid music, and I'll lovingly recommend three albums to you, because it's what I do!
"Last Night on Earth" by Noah and the Whale
"Build A Rocket Boys!" by Elbow
"Lucky Street" by Go Radio
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
"Lucky Street" by Go Radio
A couple years ago, Jason Lancaster left one of the better punk/alternative bands around, Mayday Parade. A bit later, I found out that he had become involved with another project called "Go Radio." Since that point, the band came out with a couple EPs and finally one full length, the recently released and definitely great "Lucky Street."
Now, I'm still a fan of Mayday Parade, but there is a component that only Jason Lancaster brought to their music. The great hooks are there in both bands, but the magical Jason Lancaster ingredient is lyrics. He is one of the best lyric writers I have ever had the pleasure of hearing.
Go Radio's songs are personal and reflective, sometimes happy and sometimes sad, but always powerful.
Now, the music of Go Radio is straight punk/alternative music. But man, is it good. The electric guitar work is great and melodies are always catchy, but my favorite songs are the ones when the main players are Lancaster and the piano. It is those songs that hit home the hardest, and it is those songs that set Go Radio apart from the songs of other punk/alternative rock bands out there.
If you're in the mood for about 45 minutes of super well-executed alternative rock music, this is the perfect album for you. The songs are great to sing along too, and just about every chorus is just the right amount of rock, just the right amount of consistent lyrical presence. All in all, just plain solid.
My three favorite songs on the album are "Why I'm Home," "Forever My Father," and "The Truth Is."
Here's a link to the band's Myspace!
Until next time, enjoy the music, please click the link on the "I Need Your Help" post and look for the post on the best albums of the month coming soon!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
"With Arrows, With Poise" by The Myriad
I'm reaching way back into my vault of music for this one. I first came across this album three years ago, bought it for the album artwork, and listened to it a ton only to forget about it later (that's the problem with a music addiction folks, sometimes it results in music ADD). Then, a couple days ago, I rediscovered it, and have since been listening to it repeatedly.
The album is "With Arrows, With Poise" by The Myriad. I went to investigate why they haven't released any new music and found out that the band's drummer tragically passed away after a fight with cancer. The band's music still lives on, however, and for that I'm glad.
There is an undercurrent of darkness to the whole album, a sort of quiet urgency that wouldn't be out of place in a movie scene (imagine the protagonists hiding, fleeing from some shady foe that don't really see or understand). It makes for some pretty powerful music (and though the band is known as a Christian band, these songs are by no means limited in their appeal to music listeners of all creeds). The lyrics are dark, reflective, and earnestly delivered by a frontman with a great voice and a solid falsetto.
The choruses on this album are what makes it special. They're just flat out catchy; in fact, all of these songs are really easy to sing along with. And with some of the awesome song titles on this album (examples are "You Waste Time Like a Grandfather Clock," "Don't Let Them See You!," and "Polar Bears and Shark Fins," you'll want to).
The final piece of this puzzle is this music, a polished but gritty and dark set of well-executed songs and riffs that inspire some definite head bobbing. This album is just plain good.
My three favorite songs on the album are "A Clean Shot," "A Thousand Winters Melting" (one of my all time top 20 favorite songs), and "Don't Let Them See You!".
Here's a link to the band's Myspace, which is still up and running (but it's a little eerie; to be honest, it's a bit like being in a Myspace ghost-town).
Until next time, enjoy the music!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Like The Blog's Facebook Page!
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As always, until next time,
"... And They Have Escaped The Weight of Darkness" by Ólafur Arnalds
Well, seeing as it's finals week next wekk and I'm stressed out (becoming completely obsessed with "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip" probably could have come at a better time), I'm going to write an entry! This one isn't really going to be a super long post, because this album has to be taken as a whole, it can't really be effectively broken down into songs.
"... And They Have Escaped The Weight of Darkness" is about 45 minutes or so of straight up beauty. It's an instrumental album, and on it Arnalds skill fully composes works featuring predominately piano and strings, with occasional percussion.
When I first heard this album, I knew it was probably the music subtly beautiful CD I had heard in a long time, if not ever. That hasn't changed. It is ridiculously easy to float away in this music. Some sound morose and mournful, some sound hopeful, and some pulse with a majestic feel. All are executed almost flawlessly.
There isn't a whole lot else to say about this album other than that it is amazing and a perfect way to relax. If you're stressed (oh, I don't know, by studying for a final exam worth 30% of your final grade), this is perfect music to play either for a breather or while your studying. It makes everything happening around you seem a little bit less overwhelming.
It's hard to say what my three favorite songs are because, in addition to the album being best listened to as one long composition, I love every single song on here. I have a soft spot for classic-oriented instrumental albums, and this album hit the spot.
Here's a link to his Myspace!
Until next time, please enjoy some music and click the link on the "I Need Your Help" post!
P.S. We're almost at 5,000 total views, but I'd love for that to skyrocket until executives somewhere have no choice but to give me an obscenely lucrative contract (a ridiculous dream, you say? Probably :]).
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
"What Separates Me From You" by A Day to Remember
I have a confession to make when it comes to the subject of this post. This album represents a guilty pleasure of mine. I don't pretend to say that it breaks any major barriers musically or lyrically, but man is it catchy. That, and how cool is the album cover??
"What Separates Me From You" by A Day to Remember is ADTR's most commercial and most accessible release to date. I probably like "Homesick" a little better on a whole. However, this album is by far the best for those who thought ADTR's previous work was just a tad too rough for them.
On this album, the band is pissed. That much is obvious. Almost every song pulses with straight fury and angst. This goes for the lyrics as well, which detail abandonment, anger, and an overall "F you" to the people of the past.
I know this is not a new bit of subject matter. But holy heck do these guys do it well. Every single song is extremely catchy. The electric guitar riffs, the melodies and lyrics of the choruses in particular, everything just grabs you and doesn't let go. Every. Single. Song.
This is not an example of a band branching out and taking their music to new places that it hasn't previously been. ADTR is returning to familiar territory willingly, and they are continuing to show that musical genre who's boss.
If you're angry or upset or just feel like using music to let off some steam, this album is just the ticket.
My favorite three songs are "All I Want," "This Is The House That Doubt Built," and "If I Leave."
Here's a link to their Myspace.
And here's a link to the Facebook page for this blog! Like it and pass it along to your friends!
Until next time, enjoy all the music out there!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
"Signs and Wonders" by Animal Kingdom
How's it going everyone? Well, as it starts to be, once again, time to start studying for finals (have you ever noticed how I almost always have a midterm or an essay or a final to work on? Yay quarter system!), I wanted to get another post on here for you!
The album, ladies and gents, is "Signs and Wonders" by Animal Kingdom. This album popped up about 1.5-2 years ago, and I didn't buy it for a while because I had foolishly gotten it into my head that I wouldn't like an album that was a reincarnation of psychedelic rock.
Obviously, I was wrong. This album is amazing. There are definitely strong elements of psych rock in here that remind me a little bit of Pink Floyd (never a bad thing), but there's a heart of rock pulsing under the airy vocals.
For a relatively new artist, Animal Kingdom is able to put together an incredibly diverse set of songs. Nothing on here feels like filler, and there's always some new melodic element that the band is adding into their songs.
The lyrics are clever as well, well-written but unassuming. They are not the star of this album, though the frontman's airy/almost falsetto vocals do add a ton to the album. The choruses on this album are some of the best I've heard in a while.
You're probably thinking that I'm about to say the music is the star of the album, if the lyrics aren't, right? Wrong! The music is also a critical element of the album, but the trick of this album, and the facet of it that makes it so special is that there isn't a star. The music is at times light and ethereal, and at times more rock-ish and psychedelic, but it's always well-executed and it always backs up the vocals perfectly.
This album has been floating around for a while now, so I can only hope that a new album is in the works! Here's a link to their Myspace.
My three favorite tracks on the album are "Tin Man," "Silence Summons You," and "Chalk Stars."
Until next time, enjoy the music and follow the link on the "I Need Your Help" link! :)